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Seed Collection is in Full Swing

Collecting seeds of meadow larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum) in a high elevation meadow on the Siskiyou Crest.
The seed collection field season is in full swing. The high elevation wildflowers are putting on a spectacular display this year, making it is hard to decide if I want to go see the high country wildflowers or stay in the low country to collect seed. Sometimes I can get the best of both worlds, as some early-blooming species are already going to seed in the high country. We have been collecting species like meadow larkspur (Delphinum nuttallianum) and Siskiyou lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon) that are ready in the higher elevations.
Meadow larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum) seed
Meadow larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum) seed
Meadow larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum)
Meadow larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum)
Siskiyou lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon) seed
Siskiyou lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon) seed
Ch 2 or Bot. feature Ch 9 Lewisia Cotyledon
Siskiyou lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon)
It’s a busy time of year for us at Klamath-Siskiyou Native Seeds. We are in the field as much as we can be, and when we’re not in the field we are processing and cleaning seeds. This all takes a lot of time and effort. We will have a great selection of species to choose from this fall! Don’t hesitate to give us a heads up if you are interested in seed for a particular species. We can keep an eye out for it as we get around the Klamath-Siskiyou region collecting seeds from far and wide. Email: [wpvideo T2qvwjAX]

A time lapse video of cleaning Silver bush lupine (Lupinus albifrons) seed.