Cercocarpus ledifolius-Curl leaf mountain mahogany

Seed Packet

Evergreen Shrub

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SKU: CELE3 Category:


Curl leaf mountain mahogany is arguably the longest lived flowering plant in the world, with specimens recorded to have grown for 1,350 years. This drought tolerant evergreen shrub has leathery green, lance-shaped leaves that can curl under at the margins. It can be found growing on dry mountains and slopes throughout western North America. This species has small, cream or tan colored flower clusters.  Curl leaf mountain mahogany is in the rose family, and its botanical name, Cercocarpus ledifolius, helps with identification. Cerco is derived from the Greek word, kerkos, meaning “tail.” Carpus means “fruit.” The description of a tailed fruit refers to the distinctive curly, feather-like achene fruit that facilitates wind dispersal. The common name, mountain mahogany is used because of the extremely hard and reddish heartwood that was crafted into tools by Native Americans, and is still used by wood crafters today. Curl leaf mountain mahogany grows best in full sun with dry, well-drained soil. This species is a larval host plant for some butterflies and moths.

Curl leaf mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius) seed packets contain approximately 45 seeds per packet.

Seed Germination Instructions

This species requires 60-90 days cold-moist stratification. If you live in an area with cold enough winters you can simply sow the seeds outside in fall to early spring and let nature do the work, or if you live in an area with mild winters, you can use artificial methods for stratification. For more information about cold-stratification and seed germination, read more on our website here.

Additional information


Plant Type

Soil Moisture

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Flower Color

Tan, Cream