Giant blue eyed mary is a sweet annual wildflower that happily flowers in grasslands, oak woodland, chaparral, prairies, and within the understory of mixed evergreen forest. A member of the plantain (Plantaginaceae) family, giant blue eyed mary typically grows around 6″ tall, but it can reach up to 1.5′ under ideal conditions. The pea-like flowers have purple or white upper lips and blue or violet lower lips that are attractive to a wide variety of pollinators. Giant blue eyed mary will grow in diverse soil types with good drainage, preferably in full sun. As an annual species it will flower the first year of growth and may reseed and self-sow in consecutive years if sited appropriately. Depending on elevation, giant blue eyed mary will flower April-June.
Giant blue eyed mary (Collinsia grandiflora) seed packets contain approximately 180 seeds.
Seed Germination Information
No pretreatment necessary. Sow outside in fall to early spring.