Elymus elymoides-Squirreltail grass

Seed Packet

Native Grass

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SKU: ELEL5 Category:


Squirreltail grass is a “work horse” habitat restoration species because of its strong ability to establish and out-compete non-native annual grass species such as cheat grass and madusahead. Native to most of North America west of the Mississipi River, this native bunchgrass inhabits a wide variety of habitats from low-elevation valley grassland, to mid-elevation woodland and forest, to high elevation alpine rock gardens. The flower clusters are reminiscent of a bottlebrush, and sometimes this species is called bottlebrush squirreltail grass. It grows 1.5′-2′ tall and does best in a sunny, dry location.

Squirreltail grass (Elymus elymoides) seed packets contain approximately 60 seeds per packet.

Seed Germination Instructions

No pretreatment required. Sow outside in fall to early spring.

Additional information

Plant Type