Physocarpus capitatus-Pacific ninebark

Seed Packet

Deciduous Shrub

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SKU: PHCA11 Category:


Pacific ninebark is a large, elegant and deciduous shrub, that is perfect for a woodland garden or riparian restoration project. It prefers moist, shaded locations, but if there is enough moisture it will also thrive in full sun. It has a dense habit and typically grows about 6′-7′ and about the same width. Ninebark has long, arching branches that produce tiny white flowers in 3″-5″ ball-like clusters that bloom May-June. When in full bloom the whole plant looks like a giant bouquet, buzzing with pollinators. After blooming and pollination, the pleasant flower clusters turn into showy, rusty-red seed capsules. The maple-like lobed green leaves also turn brilliant colors in the fall. Ninebark is in the Rosaceae (Rose) family and is native to a widespread area in the West. The common name ninebark comes from the shrub’s distinctive flaky, peeling bark that has many layers. In the wild ninebark is generally found in wetland and riparian habitat at low to mid elevations. Native bees are the primary pollinator, but ninebark also attracts butterflies and other pollinators. Moderately deer resistant — compared to other native shrubs it is generally not preferred as deer browse.

Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) seed packets contain approximately 325 seeds.

Seed Germination Instructions

30 days cold-moist stratification. Sow outside in fall or early spring.

Additional information

Plant Type

Flower Color

Pink, White