Lambstongue ragwort, also known as western groundsel, puts on an attractive show of bright, cheerful yellow flowers April-June, depending on elevation. A biennial or perennial wildflower, lambstongue ragwort produces a single erect stem that grows .5′-2.5′ tall from a fleshy root. The linear to lance shaped green leaves have cobwebby, bristly hairs that are pronounced early in the growing season. The vertical leaves are mostly basal, but there are some leaves on the stem as well. The clustered yellow flower heads contain many small disc flowers and 8-13 ray flowers. The bracts surrounding the floral head have black tips. Native to western and central North America. Lambstongue ragwort grows in moist to dry soil in open places from the valley bottom to high elevations, and in partly shaded oak woodland, pine forest, or chaparral. A member of the aster (Asteraceae) family. Highly attractive to pollinators, including butterflies, bees, beetles, and flies. There are numerous varieties of lambstongue ragwort so variation in form is expected. Deer resistant.
Lambstongue ragwort (Senecio integerrimus) seed packets contain approximately 200 seeds.
Seed Germination Instructions
30-60 days cold-moist stratification. Sow outside in fall to late winter.