Trifolium howellii – Howell’s clover

Seed Packet

Perennial Wildflower

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Having some of the largest leaves of any Trifolium species in North America, Howell’s clover is a robust, water-loving wildflower that can be found growing in wetlands, meadows, swamps, forest streambanks, river floodplains, dappled moist woodlands, springs, alder thickets, and other shady, moist locations at mid to high elevations throughout its limited range, often in pine or red fir forests, at least in the southern part of its range. Howell’s clover only grows in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of northwest California and southwest Oregon, and in the Cascades in Oregon. It is a perennial species that grows erect, with hairless (glabrous), palmate leaves with three large, green leaflets that can vary in shape, and be either serrate or nearly entire. It usually grows 2-3′ tall. Blooming June-August, depending on elevation, Howell’s clover has a round or elongated head of white to greenish white or greenish yellow flowers that are attractive to a wide range of pollinating insects. When growing next to a streambank, as the stems get heavy with flowers at the tips of the stems, they will droop so that the flowers hang over the water, helping the seeds drop into the water, aiding seed dispersal. Howell’s clover is in the pea (Fabaceae) plant family and is also referred to by the additional common name, canyon clover. It is of conservation concern in California where it is very narrowly distributed, but it is more widely distributed in Oregon, although still quite uncommon. 

Howell’s clover (Trifolium howellii) seed packets contain approximately 120 seeds per packet.

Seed Germination Instructions

Sow seeds outside in fall to early winter and keep seeds moist.

Additional information


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Flower Color

Cream, Green, White

Plant Type

Soil Moisture

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