Monardella odoratissima-Coyote mint

Seed Packet

Perennial Wildflower

13 in stock

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Coyote mint is one of the most popular drought-tolerant native pollinator plants for home gardens because it is highly attractive to a wide diversity of pollinators, including native bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and pollinating flies, and it is easy to grow. Butterflies are the primary pollinator. A member of the Lamiaceae, or mint family, coyote mint’s evergreen foliage has a soothing, minty-fresh smell that is unmistakable on a hot summer day. Also referred to by the common names mountain beebalm, western pennyroyal, mountain monardella, and desert mint. Coyote mint is a sprawling and low-growing perennial herb that can be woody at the base and act as a groundcover in a dry location, or a featured plant in a rock garden. Unlike culinary mint, coyote mint is not rhizomatous and will not aggressively spread in the garden. In the wild coyote mint is found growing in various habitat types from, low elevation to high elevation, on rock outcrops, talus slopes, ridgelines, and other locations with sharp drainage and full sun. It does best in the garden in a sunny location on well-drained soil and with a low amount of supplemental water in the summer. Grows 6″-1.5′ tall and up to 2′ wide. The inflorescence head looks like puff balls and ranges in color from purple, lavender, pink, to pinkish-white. Can be pruned for a bushier shape. Blooms May-August. Deer resistant.

Coyote mint (Monardella odoratissima) seed packets contain approximately 200 seeds per packet.

Seed Germination Instructions

30-60 days cold-moist stratification. Sow outside in fall to late winter.

Additional information

Plant Type

Flower Color

Lavender, Purple