Spearleaf mountain dandelion is an unassuming yet interesting native perennial wildflower in the aster family. It is native to the western United States where it thrives in various habitat types, including coniferous forest, chaparral, oak woodland, or dryland meadows. A distinguishing feature of spearleaf mountain dandelion are the linear leaves with lobes that angle downward. The narrowly open flower head has yellow ray florets with green, woolly pointed phyllaries. In flower spearleaf mountain dandelion can grow up to 1.5′ tall. The fruit is a fluffy achene. Spearleaf mountain dandelion prefers well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. The flowers are attractive to bees.
Spearleaf mountain dandelion (Agoseris retrorsa) seed packets contain approximately 50 seeds per packet.
Seed Germination Instructions
No pretreatment required. Sow outside in fall to early spring. Germination may be improved with 30 days cold stratification.