Brown’s peony has a stunningly large and showy flower, the sight of which is always a pleasant surprise in the habitat it grows in, namely upland prairie, chaparral, oak woodland, dry, high elevation meadows, and pine forests in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. Brown’s peony is an herbaceous perennial that typically grows 1 – 1.5′ tall. It blooms in the spring to early summer, depending on elevation, and then goes dormant after going to seed. Brown’s peony is one of only two native peonies in the United States, the other being California peony. It prefers loamy, well-drained soil and full sun. It is highly drought tolerant and deer resistant. Expect slow to moderate growth.
Paeonia brownii seed packets contain 18 seeds per packet.
Seed Germination Instructions
60-90 days cold-moist stratification. Sow outside in fall.