Rubus parviflorus-Thimbleberry

Seed Packet

Deciduous Shrub

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Thimbleberry is a ubiquitous flowering woody shrub of the Pacific Northwest, and although quite common, it provides a stunning display of soft, velvety green foliage and delicate white flowers. The spring floral display is followed by small, edible berries with a sweet-tart flavor, loved by both birds and humans alike. Thimbleberry grows from 1′ to 8′ tall and spreads by rhizomes to create large, dense colonies. If growing in cool climates or moist locations the plant can thrive in full sun, but it prefers part shade and moderate levels of water in more interior climates or hot valley bottoms in dry sites. Tribes in Western Washington gathered young shoots and ate them raw, and also feasted on the berries mixed with blackcap raspberries and other native berries. The berries are good to eat raw as you walk along a trail, or cooked in recipes at home. Thimblebery is pollinated by native bees and beetles. It makes a great restoration plant, stabilizing slopes and revegetating disturbed areas quickly. It is also wonderful in the woodland garden, but give it some space because it likes to spread!

Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) seed packets contain approximately 100 seeds.

Seed Germination Instructions

30 days cold-moist stratification. Sow outside in fall or early spring.

Sow seeds in pots or direct sow outside in fall to early spring with a light dusting of soil over the seeds and let nature do the stratification naturally outside if you have cold enough winters. If you live in an area with mild winters, you may need to provide the cold-moist stratification artificially. For more information please read through the information in our Seed Germination and Propagation Reference Guide.

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Plant Type